
Showing posts from September, 2017

causes of hearing loss

CAUSES OF HEARING LOSS HOW CAN WE PREVENT FROM HEARING LOSS CAUSES OF HEARING LOSS- There are the four main causes of hearing loss as follows: 1.AGE RELATED HEARING PROBLEMS: Hereditary hearing loss can be conductive,sensorineural or mixed and is the result of a genetic trait passed down from a parent. A study performed by the university of washimgton seattle reports there are more than 400 known genetic syndromes that include hearing loss. Presbycusis usually affects both ears equally and graudally.   2.NOISE-INDUCED HEARING LOSS: Noise induced hearing loss is caused by prolonged exposure to loud noise. T he culmination work, noisy office environment or loud music can negatively impact your hearing. W hile noise induced hearing loss is generally temporary in nature,repeated overexposure to loud noise make it harder for the ear to recover between events. T he noise   damages inner part of the ear badly. 3.UNILATERL HEARING LOSS: Unilateral hearing los s (UH